The /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth-id-macaddress configuration file contains a BOOTPRO option. Which are possible values of BOOTPROTO?
A. static or dhcp
B. master or slave
C. onboot, ifpluged, or manual
D. ethernet, wireless, or manual
What is the difference between the /dev/st0 and /dev/nst0 devices?
A. /dev/st0 is the first SCSI CD burner; /dev/nst0 refers to the CDROM drive.
B. /dev/st0 is the first tape drive; /dev/nst0 refers to the same tape drive in non-rewinding mode.
C. /dev/st0 is the first serial console; /dev/nst0 refers to the same serial console as a block device.
D. /dev/st0 is the first SCSI hard drive; /dev/nst0 refers to the same SCSI hard drive in read-only mode.
The GRUB configuration file (/boot/grub/menu.lst) has a global section followed by sections for each operating system. Which options do you have to specify for each Linux operating system? (Choose 3.)
A. title
B. color
C. initrd
D. kernel
E. timeout
F. gfxmenu
G. message
Which command can you use to generate an MD5-encrypted password for GRUB?
A. genkey --md5
B. grubpass -md5
C. grub-md5-crypt
D. passwd -c --md5
The /backup/snapshot was changed to the /backup/backup_monday.tgz archive. Which command will now write new or modified files below /home?
A. tar -czf -g /backup/snapshot /backup/backup_monday.tgz /home
B. tar -tz -g /backup/snapshot -f /backup/backup_monday.tgz /home
C. tar -cz -g /backup/snapshot -f /backup/backup_monday.tgz /home
D. tar -cz -newer /backup/snapshot -f /backup/backup_monday.tgz /home
You want to redirect the output of the ls command to the ls-output file which already exists. The output should be appended to the file; it should not overwrite the existing content. Which command accomplishes this task?
A. ls > ls-output
B. ls : ls-output
C. ls >> ls-output
D. ls andand ls-output
You want to install the ethereal RPM package that is available on the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 installation media. Which command installs the ethereal package, and resolves dependencies as needed?
A. rpm -i ethereal
B. yast -i ethereal
C. yast -l ethereal
D. rpm -U ethereal
How can you list the ACLs (if there are any) of a file test?
A. ls -l test
B. lsacl test
C. getfacl test
D. ls -l --acl test
You have limited access to the /admin directory of the web interface of your CUPS server with the
following statement in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf:
AuthType BasicDigest
AuthClass Group
AuthGroupName sys
Order Deny,Allow Deny From All Allow From To allow the cupsadmin user to access the /admin directory when connecting from localhost, how do you
create the cupsadmin user and set his password?
A. passwd cupsadmin
B. lppasswd cupsadmin
C. passwd --cups cupsadmin
D. lppasswd -a cupsadmin -g sys
Which statements about the LVM components are correct? (Choose 2.)
A. A volume group is part of a logical volume.
B. Logical volumes are grouped in a master group.
C. A volume group always consists of one physical volume.
D. A physical volume can be a partition or an entire hard disk.
E. A volume group can be reduced in size by removing physical volumes.
F. The operating system accesses the volume groups like conventional physical partitions.