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040-444 Online Practice Questions and Answers

Questions 4

In the organization of skeletal muscle, the muscle cell contains the contractile proteins. Which of the following is a contractile protein?

A. Myosin.

B. Muscle fascicle.

C. Myofibril.

D. Muscle fiber.

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Questions 5

Which of the following bones articulates proxi- mally with the sternal manubrium and distally with the scapula and is helpful to palpate in electrode placement?

A. Scapula.

B. Sternum.

C. Clavicle.

D. Twelfth rib.

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Questions 6

Which of the following is NOT a muscle type?

A. Skeletal.

B. Smooth.

C. Cardiac.

D. Generic.

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Questions 7

All of the following risk factors for CAD can be modified by a regular and appropriate exercise training program EXCEPT

A. Advancing age.

B. DM.

C. Hypertension.

D. HDL cholesterol.

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Questions 8

Hydrodensitometry (hydrostatic weighing, underwater weighing) has several sources of error. Which of the following is NOT a common source of error when using this technique to determine body composition?

A. Measurement of the vital capacity of the lungs.

B. Interindividual variability in the amount of air in the gastrointestinal tract.

C. Interindividual variability in the density of the individual lean tissue compartment.

D. Measurement of the residual volume.

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Questions 9

The most accurate screening method for signs and symptoms of CAD is a

A. Maximal exercise test with a 12-lead ECG.

B. Submaximal exercise test with a 12-lead ECG.

C. Discontinuous protocol, stopping at 85% of maximal heart rate.

D. Continuous protocol, stopping at 85% of maximal heart rate.

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Questions 10

Which of the following is NOT a principle of low back care?

A. Abdominal curl-ups/

B. Unloaded flexion/extension of the spine.

C. Neutral spine during all exercises.

D. Controlled leg press or squat with light weights.

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Questions 11

The exercise leader or health/fitness instructor should modify exercise sessions for participants with hypertension by

A. Shortening the cool-down to less than 5 minutes.

B. Eliminating resistance training completely.

C. Prolonging the cool-down.

D. Implementing high-intensity (>85% of HRR), short-duration intervals.

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Questions 12

Women are likely to be deficient in both calcium and iron, because

A. They tend to consume less overall energy than men.

B. They tend to consume less dairy products.

C. They tend to consume less protein from meat sources.

D. All of the above.

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Questions 13

Which of the following is one cause of a wide QRS complex?

A. Hypokalemia.

B. Defectiveintraventricular conduction.

C. Rightatrial enlargement.

D. Abnormal ST segment

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Exam Code: 040-444
Exam Name: ACSM Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist
Last Update: Jun 22, 2024
Questions: 370
10%OFF Coupon Code: SAVE10





